[Patches] [Patch #103495] case sensitive import for case insensitive FileSystem

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 21:41:33 -0800

Patch #103495 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: core (C code)
Status: Open
Submitted by: sdm7g
Assigned to : bwarsaw
Summary: case sensitive import for case insensitive FileSystem


Date: 2001-Feb-16 21:41
By: tim_one

Reassigning to Barry since he marked it Accepted, and changing it to Open
because I *think* it's already been applied.  Barry, if you did apply it,
mark it as Closed.

Date: 2001-Feb-02 11:09
By: bwarsaw

Whoops!  Marking as accepted.

Date: 2001-Feb-02 11:08
By: bwarsaw

Here's a version of the patch that applies cleanly to the 2.1a2 source,
conforms to C coding styles, and builds on Linux RH 6.1.  It passes
regrtest and "import getpass" (termios/TERMIOS).

I cannot test it on any other platform.  I'm marking this as accepted and
commiting it to the 2.1a2 tree.  Once other platforms have verified that it
works for them, we can close the patch.

Date: 2001-Feb-01 06:47
By: jlt63

Scratch the comment about the bug -- I've too much C++ on the head to
think in straight C anymore.

Date: 2001-Jan-31 18:20
By: jlt63

Guido, Do you find the style of this patch more acceptable than mine
(103154)?  If so, would
you consider including a cleaned up version into 2.1a2?  Note that I have
found one bug
(MatchFilename() does not handle a NULL pathname correctly) and the code
should probably
be enabled on something more specific than HAVE_DIRENT_H (e.g., platform

Date: 2001-Jan-29 20:30
By: sdm7g

The previous patch crashes if the path is empty,
which is the case for the current directory.
Added a line to check for that and use "." 
instead on diropen. 

-- Steve M.

Date: 2001-Jan-29 20:27
By: sdm7g

The previous patch crashes if the path is empty,
which is the case for the current directory.
Added a line to check for that and use "." 
instead on diropen. 

-- Steve M.

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