[Patches] [Patch #101196] IPv6 patch against 2.0 CVS tree, as of 20001230
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:58:04 -0800
Patch #101196 has been updated.
Project: python
Category: core (C code)
Status: Open
Submitted by: itojun
Assigned to : fdrake
Summary: IPv6 patch against 2.0 CVS tree, as of 20001230
Date: 2001-Feb-23 23:58
By: loewis
After a shallow review of this patch, I found the following issues:
configure.in does not need to list both enable and disable options.
When running configure, I got the following error message on Linux
checking whether to enable ipv6... yes
checking ipv6 stack type... linux-glibc
./configure: test: too many arguments
using libc
The call to /usr/bin/test should be corrected; I could not find out which
specific invocation caused the problem.
HAVE_ADDRINFO is not used. Perhaps getaddrinfo.c/getnameinfo.c is missing
in the patch?
Date: 2001-Jan-04 07:51
By: gvanrossum
A new patch is available. I've changed the subject accordingly.
Due to upload size restrictions, the patch is now at
Date: 2000-Dec-30 07:25
By: loewis
I got *many* rejects when trying to apply this patch to today's CVS tree. I
recommend that patches for generated files (config.h.in, configure) are not
included in the patch because they outdate too easily.
A number of changes in this patch have already been done by somebody else;
others just don't fit into the current code anymore (perhaps due to
indentation changes?).
Anyway, I'll mark the patch as out-of-date. Please let me know when you
upload a new version.
Date: 2000-Aug-16 05:59
By: itojun
this is revised version of patch #101186 (now with my SourceForge
i'm not familiar with the system here, so forgive my possible mistake).
1.6b1 patch applied mostly clean to 2.0.
It is confirmed that:
- 1.6b1 + IPv6 patch works fine on NetBSD 1.4.2 + KAME, and NetBSD 1.5
- 1.6b1 + IPv6 patch works fine on NetBSD 1.4.2 (NOT an IPv6 ready
- 2.0 CVS tree + IPv6 patch works fine on NetBSD + KAME
forgot to attach the following into the diff - so i attach it (README.v6)
here as comment. I have submitted the patch for 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.6b1,
all hit a bad timing - bad luck.
contact: core@kame.net, or itojun@kame.net
IPv6-ready python 1.6
KAME Project
$KAME: README.v6,v 1.9 2000/08/15 02:40:38 itojun Exp $
This patchkit enables python 1.6 to perform AF_INET6 socket operations.
The only affected module is Modules/socketmodule.c.
In most cases, IPv6 address can be placed where IPv4 address fits.
sockaddr tuple is formatted as follows:
IPv4: (host, port)
IPv6: socket class methods always generate
(host, port, flowinfo, scopeid).
socket class methods will accept 2, 3, or 4 tuple
(for backward compatibility).
Compatibility warning: Some of the scripts assume that the sockaddr
structure is 2 tuple, like:
host, port = sock.getpeername()
this will fail if you are connected to IPv6 node.
socket.getaddrinfo(host, port [, family, socktype, proto, flags])
host: String or None
port: String, Int or None
family, socktype, proto, flags: Int, can be omitted
Perform getaddrinfo(3). Returns List of the following 5 tuple:
(family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr)
family: Int
socktype: Int
proto: Int
canonname: String
sockaddr: sockaddr (see above)
See Lib/httplib.py for typical usage on the client side.
socket.getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags)
sockaddr: sockaddr
flags: Int
Perform getnameinfo(3). Returns the following 2 tuple:
host: String, numeric or hostname depending on flgags
port: String, numeric or portname depending on flgags
socket.gethostbyname2(host, af)
host: String
af: Int
Performs gethostbyname2(3). Returns numeric address representation
for "host".
socket.gethostbyaddr(addr) (behavior change if IPv6 support is compiled
addr: String
Performs gethostbyaddr(3). Returns string address representation for
The function can take IPv6 numeric address as well. This behavior
is not problematical, because
- if you pass numeric "addr" parameter, we can always identify address
family for it
- return value is string address reprsentation, where IPv6 and IPv4
are not distinguishable.
socket.bind(sa), socket.connect(sa) and others.
(No behavior change, but be careful)
See above for sockaddr format change.
With Python "addr" portion of sockaddr (first element) can be string
hostname. When the string hostname resolved to numeric address, it
will obey address family of the socket (which was specified when
socket.socket() was called).
If you give some string that does not give matching address family,
you will get some error.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# this is okay, if 'localhost' resolves to both IPv4/v6
s.connect('localhost', 80)
# this is not okay, of course
s.connect('::1', 80)
# this is not okay, as v6only.kame.net will not resolve to IPv4
s.connect('v6only.kame.net', 80)
IPv6 ready. "host" in HTTP(host) will accept the following 3 forms:
host:port there must be only single colon
This is to allow IPv6 numeric URL (http://[host]:port/) in documents.
IMHO "host:port" parsing should be implemented in urllib.py, not here.
IPv6 ready. This uses EPSV/EPRT on IPv6 ftp. See RFC2428 for
protocol details.
IPv6 ready. Wildcard bind on TCPServer, i.e. TCPServer(('', port)),
will bind to wildcard socket on TCPServer.address_family.
TCPServer.addresss_family is set to AF_INET by default, so ('', port)
will usually bind AF_INET.
Lib/smtplib.py, Lib/telnetlib.py, Lib/poplib.py
IPv6 ready. Not much to say about protocol details - they just use
TCP over IPv6.
Configure has extra option, --enable-ipv6 and --disable-ipv6.
The option controls IPv6 support feature.
dynamic link issues in Modules/socketmodule.c
Modules/socketmodule.c can be dynamically loaded only in the following
- getaddrinfo(3) and getnameinfo(3) are supplied by OS vendor in
libc, and libc is dynamic link library.
- OS vendor is NOT supplying getaddrinfo(3) nor getnameinfo(3), and
You are configuring this package with --disable-ipv6. In this case,
you'll be using missing/get{addr,name}info.c and they will refer to
gethostby{name,addr}. gethostnameby{name,addr} can usually be found
in dynamic-linking libc.
In other situations, such as the following, please link
Modules/socketmodule.c into python itself.
- getaddrinfo(3) and getnameinfo(3) are supplied by OS vendor, but
they are in statically linked library like libinet6.a.
(KAME falls into this category)
python usually links Modules/socketmodule.c into python itself
(due to its popularity) so there should be no problem.
- The patched tree will not use gethostbyname_r and other
thread-ready libraries. Instead, it will use getaddrinfo() and
getnameinfo() throughout the operation.
- Patch bunch of library files in Lib/*.py.
compatibility issues with existing scripts
If you disable IPv6 support (./configure --disable-ipv6), the
patched code is mostly compatible with original Python
(except files in "Lib" directory modified for dual stack support).
User script may choke if:
- IPv4/v6 dualstack libc is supplied, python is compiled for dual
stack, and script assumes some of IPv4-only behavior (especially
- IPv4/v6 dualstack libc is supplied, python is compiled for IPv4 only,
and script assumes some of IPv4-only behavior.
In this case, Python socket class itself does not support IPv6,
however, name resolution functions can return IPv6 names since
they use IPv6-ready libc functions! I do not recommend this
- script assumes certain IPv4-only version behavior in Lib/*.py.
If you use IPv6 features, it is assumed that you have working
getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() library functions. We have noticed
that some of IPv6 stack is shipped with broken getaddrinfo(). In
such cases, use missing/get{addr,name}info.c instead (but then, you
need to have working getipnodeby{name,addr}).
If you compile this on IPv4-only machine without get{addr,name}info,
missing/get{addr,name}info.c will be used. They are from KAME IPv6
distribution and is #ifdef'ed for IPv4 only support. They are
fairly complete implementation and you don't need to bother with
bind 8.2 (bind 8.2 get{addr,name}info() has bugs).
When compiling this kit on IPv6 node, you may need to specify some
additional library paths or cpp defs. (like -linet6 or -DINET6)
--enable-ipv6 will give you some warning, if the IPv6 stack is unknown
to the "configure" script. Currently, the following IPv6 stacks
are officially supported (i.e. we've checked that the package works
- KAME IPv6 stack, http://www.kame.net/
RFC2553, for getaddrinfo(3) and getnameinfo(3).
Author contacts
Date: 2000-Aug-16 06:07
By: moshez
Assigned to Tim, since he's in charge of postponing
new features. I'm to timid to postpone it myself.
Date: 2000-Aug-16 07:00
By: fdrake
Postponed until Python 2.1 -- there's not enough time to review this and
get it sufficiently tested on enough IPv6-connected platforms in time for
2.0, and we're already in feature freeze. This should go into the tree
very quickly once Python 2.0 has been released.
Assigned to myself to open it back up after Python 2.0.
For more info, visit: