[Patches] [ python-Patches-404564 ] tempfile.py: Change order of tmp dirs

nobody nobody@sourceforge.net
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 07:46:58 -0800

Artifact #404564, was updated on 2001-02-27 05:11
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Category: library
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Gregor Hoffleit
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous
Summary: tempfile.py: Change order of tmp dirs

Initial Comment:
[cf. Debian bug#87538, http://bugs.debian.org/87538]

Please change the order of the dirs in the attemptdirs
list in Lib/tempfile.py. It seems more reasonable
according to the FHS (File System Hierarchy Standard),
if '/tmp' would precede '/var/tmp':

    attempdirs = ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', pwd]

'/var/tmp' was added recently to the list (Aug 2000,
'Patch by tg@FreeBSD.org to try /var/tmp first. This
helps on 4.4BSD-based systems.'). I guess it would make
no difference if '/var/tmp' would only tried after

In the words of James Troup <james@nocrew.org>:


  o /var/tmp/ (at least on Debian) is not cleaned on
start-up like
    /tmp is

  o /var/tmp/ is often/sometimes on a different drive
and could
    potentially have a lot less free space than /tmp

  o it's not documented

  o it's unexpected

I think a better question might be: what's the
advantage of the
change?  *shrug*"


Comment By: Skip Montanaro
Date: 2001-02-27 07:46

Logged In: YES 

Regarding this statement:

  /var/tmp/ is often/sometimes on a different drive and
  could potentially have a lot less free space than /tmp

It is a red herring.  /var is often given it's own separate
partition precisely because the / partition is often very
small.  I think /var/tmp should appear before /tmp.  If
you want it cleaned up on reboot, simply modify your
startup scripts or (better yet) add a daily or weekly cron
job to zap old files in /var/tmp.  After all, who cares
about cleanup at reboot on systems that can remain up for
more than a year?  What do you think this is - Windows? ;-)


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