[Patches] [ python-Patches-404826 ] urllib2 enhancements

nobody nobody@sourceforge.net
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:00:47 -0800

Patches #404826, was updated on 2001-02-28 01:11
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Category: library
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Moshe Zadka
Assigned to: Moshe Zadka
Summary: urllib2 enhancements

Initial Comment:
This are some enhancements and bug fixes to urllib2:
* Documentation
* Better proxy support, including authentication
* HTTPS support


Comment By: Jeremy Hylton
Date: 2001-02-28 12:00

Logged In: YES 

I did a cursory review of the patch and it looks good,
particularly the documentation!  I would prefer to see this
included in the beta.  Since there was no documentation
before, I don't think there's any problem changing the code.


Comment By: Moshe Zadka
Date: 2001-02-28 02:31

Logged In: YES 

I'm having troubles attaching a file, I've put it up
at http://www.lerner.co.il/~moshez/urllib2.py.patch
(If anyone manages to attach it, I'll be greateful)


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