[Patches] [ python-Patches-659809 ] fix Makefile.pre to use config env
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:39:44 -0800
Patches item #659809, was opened at 2002-12-29 17:41
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Category: Build
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Daniel Brotsky (brotsky)
>Assigned to: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
Summary: fix Makefile.pre to use config env
Initial Comment:
In Python CVS head (2.3a0 as of 2002/12/29), Makefile.pre does not use the configure-specified values for CPPFLAGS or LDFLAGS (although it does use CFLAGS). This means that non-standard build environments that can be expressed to configure using these flags (such as the fink environment on Mac OS X) are not picked up properly in the Python build process. This, in turn, causes various extension modules that should build properly not to build properly. It can even cause the Python core build to fail if a CFLAGS-specified include directory requires a non-core library in the LDFLAGS directory.
Fixing Makefile.pre to use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS as specified by configure turned up a related problem: the parser target did not properly use the standard Python linker flags when creating a separate library.
The attached patch fixes both of these problems. It was created and tested on the Darwin platform; I have had no chance to test it on Linux or Solaris.
Comment By: Daniel Brotsky (brotsky)
Date: 2002-12-29 22:40
Logged In: YES
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