[Persistence-sig] "Straw Baby" Persistence API

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 11:31:50 -0400

At 11:08 AM 7/23/02 -0400, Kevin Jacobs wrote:
>On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Jim Fulton wrote:
> > Proxies can be a useful tool. We certainly use them a lot, although
> > I sometimes feel dirty afterwards. ;)  There are a *lot* of gotchas.
> > I would definately *not* recommend using them for persistence.  I
> > would find a persistent mix-in to be far less intrusive than proxies.
>Believe it or not, but we're on the same wavelength:
>I'm thinking about proxy-methods a la aspect oriented programming, more than
>whole proxy objects.  e.g. cooperative __{g,s}et{attr,item}__ methods that
>implement observer semantics and can forward to base-class methods.  Whole
>object proxies have the problem that object identity and type information is
>obscured in ways that are contrary to standard Python idioms.

So, you're saying you want to alter the types, then?  The interesting part 
of that is how to alter them in such a way that your observing code doesn't 
get re-entered when you're modifying both subclasses and base classes of 
the objects.  You'd need some kind of thread-specific collaboration stack, 
I think.