[portland] [python-advocacy] virtual servers for Python user groups

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Sat May 19 17:06:33 CEST 2007

On 5/19/07, Brad Allen <brad at allendev.com> wrote:
> At 3:55 PM +1000 5/19/07, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
> >+1 from me.
> >
> >Also would recommend a "meta" user group to monitor and keep in
> >touch with groups making use of this service. A simple system like a
> >Google Group should be plenty. There is a lack of 'play areas' for
> >putting Python web apps.
> It appears that such a mailing list on python.org has already been
> created by Jeff Rush:
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/group-organizers
> It's a new list, with no postings; hopefully we can attract user
> group organizers to join and compare notes, to learn what other
> groups are doing, and to provide mutual support.
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+1 from me.  To date, we've been using the wiki as web space, it has
been a good starting point, but it would be nice to have a virtual
server for each users group for the afore mentioned activities.  Not
that I'm against google/yahoo type resources, but for Users Groups I
prefer not requiring membership in a given email system to use the
resources.  It leads to an unnecessary and unwanted proliferation of
email accounts, diminishing the value of each.  Also, some members
have strong feelings about the use of these types of email services
and their privacy -- I'm not arguing the pro or con of this, it's that
I respect their opinions and I want to use services that don't require
one to have a google/yahoo/et al email account to take advantage of

To that end, I've taken advantage of the email list hosted by
python.org and the wiki space.  A virtual server for the group would
be a valuable resource, especially if it is grouped with other UG
servers -- who knows what kinds of wonderful resources might bloom
because of it?

Jeff Hinrichs

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