[portland] PPUG speaker proposal

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 17:21:11 CET 2007

Yo Jeff!

Could be a code sprint topic, could be a speaker proposal...

I've met with the head honcho behind democracylab.org
(plus Mark Frischmuth gave us a presentation at Wanderers **).

There's lots of MVC stuff going, with no Controller truly
seized upon yet (gotta finish sketching the M & V stuff
first -- pretty far along, the Vs especially).

The end result will be a lot of control panels, like the
inside of a cockpit, looking out over some democratic
vista of other voters / politicos likewise so equipped.

Like this:


There's a dev-list and I've already name dropped SQL
Alchemy, but he may not know that's a brand (I forgot
to put a [tm] or anything).


** http://mybizmo.blogspot.com/2007/10/wanderers-20071024.html

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