[portland] November meeting, pizza included

Adam Lowry adam at therobots.org
Wed Oct 31 18:02:26 CET 2007

Portland Pythoneers,

I managed to convince the company I work for (Kavi) to spring for  
pizza for November's meeting. If you think you'll be coming, please  
RSVP at the Meetup site [1] so I know about how much pizza to get. If  
you have any dietary restrictions or some topping you just can't  
stand, send me an email - I'll already be getting a mix of meat &  
veggie dishes, but I could get a vegan one or something else if  

And those of you that have signed up on the Meetup site but are not  
on the main email list [2], I'd recommend it; that's where most of  
the discussion happens.


[1] http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/6522187/
[2] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/portland

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