[portland] Fwd: [xpportland] Wed, Sep 17th: Agile Lightning Summaries

Jeff Schwaber freyley at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 00:33:17 CEST 2008


If you're interested in hearing what happened at the recent Agile
Conference, or you like watching people try to fit everything into a
minute, you might want to come for this.

Agile Lightning Summaries
Wednesday, September 17th
6:30pm, Cubespace


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arlo Belshee <a+yahoo_xp at arlim.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:06 PM
Subject: [xpportland] Wed, September 17 evening meeting announcement
To: xpportland at yahoogroups.com

Agile Lightning Summaries

Wed, September 17, 6:30pm (pizza), 7pm (talk), beer after.

CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, second floor. (http://www.cubespacepdx.com/directions)

We're going to run a lightning summaries round on Agile 2008.
Lightning summaries are a creative technique for exploring an area of
knowledge. They consist of a large number of short talks on, or near,
a theme. The rules are as follows:

1.       Each talk lasts no longer than 60 seconds.

2.       Each talk starts with the last sentence of the talk before it.

Jon Marshall and Arlo Belshee ran a session at Agile Open NW, and it
worked really well. It was a heck of a lot of fun, and we came up with
all sorts of interesting juxtapositions and experiences. Also, lots of
weird diagrams.

This time, our theme will be current Agile thought, starting with what
people experienced at Agile 2008. Of course, we wander from the theme
routinely - it just gives us something to come back to after each
flurry. So come, listen to experiences that remind you of things, and
then give us your 60 seconds to take the conversation in an
interesting direction.

We will have a drawing surface (probably flipcharts), so draw away!
You don't need to prepare anything - just bring your own experiences,
insights, and conundrums. After all, in 60 seconds, you couldn't do
much of a prepared talk anyway.

As ever, we will follow the meeting with a chat and hang out at a local pub.


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