[portland] Portland World Plone Day tonight

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 01:47:37 CEST 2009

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:28 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I think I'll check this out, enroute to the Admirers for
> Javascript meeting.  Thanks for the heads up.
> I met up with Alan Runyan again at Pycon.  He drove up for a Plone

Sorry, meant to say "I drove up..."

Alan mighta flown, I don't really know (he gets around, based in
Texas, hails from New Orleans originally).  Here's a link to his
company profile:


(Enfold, Enthought, both Texas... any more Texas Ens?  oh yeah, just
though of one, less successful, maybe not enough Python (grin)).

Also, meant to mention I was yakking about Python for a GIS conference
yesterday, the one I've been advertising via my motd @
osgarden.appspot.com (need a new motd -- switch focus back to OS
Bridge maybe).

You can read my write-up my GIS in Action talk (and take in some
Photostream) from this blog entry FYI:


I was happy to finally meet up with Tim Welch of Ecotrust, and to get
patched in to OSGIS meeting times, not at Cubespace, but same idea.

http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/twelch  (hey, I do scuba too, NAUI
certified, though I'm rusty...)

I'm hoping to get more public school teachers interested in staffing
GIS shops inside the schools themselves, starting with Benson maybe?
They have that polytechnical reputation....

Here's a link I just learned about, probably old hat to some of ya:


This "geocaching for Bin Laden" game looks like a fun way to satisfy
our more hawkish parents (yes, we have some in Portland):


I'll see some of you tonight maybe,


> sprint near Victoria BC many moons ago, along with Andy McKay and
> others.  I don't consider myself a Plone guru, but I do like to track
> its orbit and brush up on the lore.  For some clients, it's just the
> ticket, also for students just wanting to serve outside of Facebook or
> any of those, maybe build up a base for belonging to us someday.
> Kirby

> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Jon Baldivieso <jonb at onenw.org> wrote:
>> Hey Pythonistas,
>> Join us tonight (Wednesday) for Portland's celebration of World Plone Day!
>> The purpose of WPD is to introduce new users to Plone and show why it makes
>> such a great choice for content management for businesses, education,
>> government, and non-profits. (In case you weren't aware, Plone is based on
>> the Zope web framework, which of course written in Python.)
>> We'll have exciting door prizes -- 3 Plone books and a pass to the upcoming
>> Open Source Bridge conference; food and beverages; a light presentation on
>> what a CMS is and why Plone is a great one; and a chance to ask some Plone
>> experts questions and see demos.
>> Portland World Plone Day
>> Wednesday April 22, 2009
>> 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm
>> 1306 NW Hoyt Portland, OR 97209,
>> Conference Room, 2nd Floor
>> We hope to see you there!
>> Jon
>> ___________________________
>> Jon Baldivieso
>> 503.222.5064
>> ONE/Northwest Portland Office

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