[portland] Checking in (Urner)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 09:19:22 CEST 2009

Greetings PPUGs (woof):

I'll be at a sister engineering type meeting this evening @ ISEPP
(isepp.org), attending a lecture on "Netness" by Sheldon Renan. We're
hoping Lindsey Walker, Republic of Perl, will be joining us -- also
more here in Windmillville down the road. [0]

Re PSF business, registering the trademark in various countries, e.g.
Palestine, Philippines also copyrighting Python docs in German, have
been among the issues for processing.  Pinoy Users Group has developed
a sweet logo.  Not minuting actions taken (there's a web page), plus
I'm not on the board, just talking about message traffic 'n sharing
with me user group in Portland, yar.[1]

Congrats to Tim Bauman, completing Central Catholic, whom I mentored
through Saturday Academy back when, as an 8th grader, he customized a
Pybloxsom blog for Father Bob, loading different CSS based on the
liturgical calendar as well as USA secular, e.g. it'd "reskin" for
both July 4 and Easter, all running in mod_python on a server he ran
from his basement, way cool.[2]  He also sold T-shirts at Barcamp @
Cubespace that time.

I suggested on Google Coworker list (about Cubespace type
environments, springing up all over) that checking one's generic local
Red Cross website, looking for room for improvement, might be
something to cowork about, in case some trust or foundation was
funding something broken and not realizing it (common enough, in
Lower48 especially i.e. "homeland security" is mostly an empty pipe
dream eh?).

I keep wanting to drum up support for monthly free Python Briefing,
geared to the public but also an excuse to see Cubespace, maybe drum
up more business?  PPUGers might even wanna organize it, rotating
cast, with plenty ready to go if you're on, or roll your own if that's
your preference.  The same people could take it to schools on
invitation e.g. picture Michelle showing off Python to small group of
future NGO executives @ Concordia College or some scenario like that
(could be paid in those cases).  Just a thought, based on experiencing
free computer lectures, likewise open to public, in New Jersey long


[0] Windmillville is a synonym for Python Nation in being "that place
with the windmills" (i.e. Dutch HQS).  You can see from the Perl flag
how close we are (neighbors).
(yes, sometimes other objects in background, same camel from different
angles duh).
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/portland/2009-May/000693.html (re Lindsey).

[1] http://controlroom.blogspot.com/2009/06/cooking-show.html

[2] more on edu-sig, using Tim's project as an example of what user
group talent scouts might refer back to Vern, our "watcher" between
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/edu-sig/2009-June/date.html (Example
Poster thread)

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