[portland] [info at meetup.com: Reminder: "Portland Pythoneers June Meetup" is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 9, 2009 7:00 PM!]

Amy K. Farrell akf at aracnet.com
Tue Jun 9 18:52:19 CEST 2009

Yes, there is a python user group meeting tonight. 

Someone else asked last night also. There are probably a handful of
folks who are tracking this mailing list and not the Meetup group.

(Sadly, I will miss this one, as usual.) 

 - Amy

----- Forwarded message from Meetup Reminder <info at meetup.com> -----

From: Meetup Reminder <info at meetup.com>
To: akf at aracnet.com
Subject: Reminder: "Portland Pythoneers June Meetup" is tomorrow, Tuesday,
 June 9, 2009 7:00 PM!
X-MEETUP-MESG-ID: 164307716
X-spasm-sender-host: mail5.meetup.com
X-spasm-rcpt: akf at aracnet.com

Just a quick reminder that Portland Pythoneers has a Meetup tomorrow. 

Please take a minute to RSVP now:

What: Portland Pythoneers June Meetup

When: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 7:00 PM

Who: 9 Yes / 6 Maybe

Where: CubeSpace
622 SE Grand Ave  
Portland OR 97214 

To RSVP "Yes", click here:

To RSVP "Maybe", click here:

To RSVP "No", click here:

To see who's coming and to RSVP:

This month's tentative schedule:

* Michel's Monthly Module ... email me to volunteer :)
* Joel Bernstein will talk about screen scraping tools
* Lightning talks!! 5 minutes of whatever pythonic-ish thing you want to share.

If you have something you'd like to share this month, please let us know!

Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!

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Portland Python Web Site


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----- End forwarded message -----

A.K. Farrell

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