[portland] [OT] Python-to-iPhone class

Dan Grigsby dan at mobileorchard.com
Tue Oct 13 18:43:31 CEST 2009


It's Dan Grigsby of the iPhone dev community site Mobile Orchard.   
This is an off-topic post, but I'm hoping my Minneapolis dev community/ 
python credentials are transferable to Portland.  Anyway:

I'll be teaching the Mobile Orchard Beginning iPhone Programming  
Workshop in Portland on November 13-13.  Class synopsis:  Python  
programmer (or PHP, Ruby, Java or .NET) to iPhone programmer in two  

Intensive two day class.  Leave with seven compact, but complete  
iPhone apps that use Core Location, Core Data, navigation UIs, shake,  
undo/redo, web services (actually, JSON from a Python App Engine app)  
and hybrid web/native UIs. Memory management, properties, protocols  
and categories exercises.  3.0SDK.  Small class size, experienced  
instructor. From Mobile Orchard, the #1 iPhone developer news site and  


I'm part of Minneapolis' "PyMnTos" Python group.  And I run, help run,  
or used to run or help-run the Minneapolis BarCamp, DemoCamp, Ruby  
group and StartupCamp.  I'm hugely fond of local community groups, and  
when I get folks active in these groups at the classes they're  
invariable the kind that I like.  So I'm happy to knock a couple of  
hundred bucks off the price; use the "python" discount code.  With the  
discount code and early bird price the cost is $799, down from the  
usual $1200.

Hoping my good-standing and contributions to the dev, iPhone, and  
startup communities offsets any feather-ruffling that me pitching the  
class to the list might elicit.  In addition to keeping my kids in new  
shoes and fruit snacks, the class generates the income that enables  
work on the site and podcast full-time.


dan at mobileorchard.com
612 423 3694

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