[portland] up for tutoring anyone?

john melesky list at phaedrusdeinus.org
Fri Oct 21 16:07:07 CEST 2011

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 08:22:45PM -0700, Heather Lintz wrote:
> I was wondering if there is a
> good time/place to catch some of you and talk about some potential
> Python tutoring with these tasks in mind.


Another useful resource is http://epdx.org/, which is a local
directory of people in the tech community. One of the uses is finding
mentors for specific topics. So you could browse the list of people
who have listed themselves as mentors: http://epdx.org/people/mentors
and look for python.

Alternately, you could look for mentees:
http://epdx.org/people/mentees to find someone to team up with and
explore the language together.

Just another approach. Good luck, and welcome to python!


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