[portland] Advice for someone wanting to get into Python

Matt Youell matt at youell.com
Fri Jun 29 07:32:11 CEST 2012

Hi Francis!

Why are you interested in Python vs. other languages? Is there some 
specific programming task that you have in mind? Or particular 


On 6/28/12 2:51 PM, Francis Storr wrote:
> Hi all
> First post here; I'm hoping for some advice to get me started with Python. I'm a UX designer based in Portland. I started off on the web years ago coding (lots of HTML + CSS, a smattering of JavaScript, and some PHP) before changing tack and moving into design. For a while now I've wanted to tinker with Python but don't know where the best place to start is. I've had a look at beginner's books (I am definitely a book person) and there isn't one that seems to stand out as being great. Is there one that is better than the rest? I'm after something that's not written for the hardcore programmer; something that will hold my hand nicely. Also, what would be a better meet up for me to attend: the monthly meetup or the monthly hack night?
> Thanks :)
> Francis
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