[portland] Current django learning resources?

Kevin Turner keturn at keturn.net
Tue Dec 24 05:25:12 CET 2013

I think "Two Scoops of Django" <https://django.twoscoops.org/> is
probably a good resource for you. It assumes some prior knowledge about
the mechanics of web applications, so I don't recommend it for a
first-time introduction to the domain, but I expect your rails
background will have prepared you with the basic concepts. It is very
much oriented toward the practical, and I appreciated the content.

It's only the last two months that I started doing any real work with
Django myself, and I've written some about the experience at

That's primarily a diary, rather than a tutorial or a reference work,
but I do write in the hope that it will help others avoid the pitfalls I
found along my way. (And I have four weeks of entries yet to write.

Good luck,

 - Kevin

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