[portland] Python Position

Cherice Withers-Melchior chericewm at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 02:22:23 CET 2014


Cherice, here from Urban Airship! We currently have a full time opening for
a Professional Services Engineer. This is a client-facing development
position. We are a group of smart and collaborative people that like to
work hard and also have fun.

If you like to code in Python and also open to using and/or learning other
tools including Java, Django, JavaScript, Redis, Android, iOS etc we would
love to talk with you!

The job description is on our website at www.urbanairship.com or send me an
email and I will send it to you.

Thank you!


[image: UA]
*Cherice Withers-Melchior*
Urban Airship | 1417 NW Everett St. | Suite 300 | Portland OR 97209
e: cherice at urbanairship.com  |  c: 503-201-2161
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