[portland] Summer Portland Python Schedule

Joe Lewis robotbill at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 16:22:53 CEST 2015

Hi All,

Summer is here and that means people are taking vacation, and spending less time cooped up indoors. For the next several months Portland Python is going to try an experiment: combining project night and presentation night into one evening.

We’ll be reducing the number of meetings to one a month. The first hour will be dedicated to a presentation by a member of the Python community. After the presentation ends we’ll ask to audience what projects they’re working on, and what they need help with. Then we’ll break into groups. You can work individually, with others, ask for help, offer to help, or just chat with other pythonistas.

The first meeting with the new format will be on Thursday, June 25th, which means we’ll be canceling the June 11th meeting. Erin Call will be giving a talk on why mentorship is so important to our community as a whole, and her own experiences mentoring up and coming developers with an open source project she developed. You won't want to miss this one!

RSVP at: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/events/222074670/

Hope to see you all on the 25th!
The Portland Python User Group Organizers

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