[PSF-Community] Looking for alternatives to meetup.com

Don Sheu don at sheu.com
Wed Nov 18 16:50:57 EST 2015

There's many features I wish Meetup included. For example, Eventbrite has
great check-in mobile app for both iPhone and Android.

For a many months at PuPPy we used Meetup for our announcements to members
and directed event attendees to Eventbrite for RSVPs and check-ins. It
probably created too much UX overhead for our members. I believe our
turnout suffered because of this.

But Meetup is great at social graph connections for new members. We've
grown from zero in August 2014 to over 1300 members thanks to the good job
Meetup does in connecting us with the community interested in Python in the
greater Seattle region.

We have now retired the experiment of using Eventbrite and going solely
with Meetup. We hope to with the help of Meetup's good job of connecting us
with individual interested in Python in our region to get to 2000 members
in six months.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 1:34 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at python.org> wrote:

> Hello PSF Community,
> as many of you know, meeptup.com is pretty much the standard when
> it comes to organizing user group meetings - at least in the US,
> the UK and probably also some other countries.
> Now, meetup.com is also a rather expensive service to use and
> with the PSF funding the fees, I'd like to investigate, whether
> encouraging use of alternative services wouldn't result in a better
> use of the PSFs grant funds.
> These are some services I've found:
>  * http://www.eventbrite.com/ (free for free events)
>  * https://www.farornear.com/ (free)
>  * http://attending.io/ (free)
>  * https://www.xing.com/de/events (free for free events,
>    much like eventbrite, used often in Germany)
> For BarCamps:
>  * https://www.barcamptools.eu/ (again, mostly in Germany)
> Some questions:
>  * Do you know other such services ?
>  * What's your experience with these ?
>  * If you're running a group on meetup.com, would you be willing
>    to move to a different platform ?
> I think it would be good to collect this information on a python.org
> wiki page to better guide new user groups to meetup.com alternatives.
> Thanks,
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> Director
> Python Software Foundation
> http://www.python.org/psf/
> http://www.malemburg.com/
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Don Sheu
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RSVP for my Python user group, meeting 12/9 at Redfin

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