[PSF-Community] Presentations

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sun Sep 20 20:38:57 CEST 2015

In a message of Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:20:37 +0600, Abu Ashraf Masnun writes:
>I am Masnun, from Bangladesh. We have a nice growing community here. Last
>year we arranged PyCon Dhaka (http://dhaka.pycon.org/) and plans for this
>year is under way. Our community is mostly facebook centric: http://pybd.org
>- but we also arrange some offline meetups and workshops.
>I am a big fan of Python and would love to contribute to the local and
>international community in any ways possible. If any of you ever come to
>Bangladesh, do let us know, would love to hang out and have some fun time

Hi Masnun, and everybody else.
I will make a larger presentation about me later.  But one of the things
I do is answer questions as webmaster at python.org.  (I have help.  There
are a few webmasters.)  I am hoping that people on this mailing list also
know about the python wiki.

In particular I hope they know about


If you have a local group, please add it here.  The wiki is free for
everybody to add to, though due to SPAM we have had to make people
register for a wiki account and now have capchas (which are python
programming questions).

webmaster often gets asked about 'is there a local group, and
if so where?'.  Last winter somebody in Chittagong wanted to know
if there were any groups in Bangladesh, and I had to say ... not
as far as I know.  They didn't know about your fb presence, either.
They seemed lonely.

Next time I will know better.

But if people kept that page updated, it would work against having
such problems.

Thank you, and very pleased I am to see you ...

Laura Creighton
(just another python hacker ...)

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