[PSF-Community] No more me

Manuel Kaufmann humitos at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 17:30:07 CEST 2015

El 21/09/15 a las 11:11, Rémi Rampin escribió:
> but these "presentations" are really pointless and nothing but spam (at
> least Manuel put some content into it; I fail to see why anyone would
> enjoy reading "my name is X I'm from Ycountry and use Python").

Well, that was what I tried to do and generate: "A good presentation 
about who we are and what projects do we have about Python" instead of 
just "my name and where I live".

Sorry if I generate this amount of pointless email for you :(


Kaufmann Manuel
-- http://elblogdehumitos.com.ar/

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