Chris Adams
chris at improbable.org
Thu Sep 24 15:47:32 CEST 2015
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 7:36 AM, Jacqueline Kazil <jackiekazil at gmail.com>
> However, one of the purposes of this list was to have an archive that is
> open. Slack does not provide this feature with out lots of $$$, which does
> not make this a viable option to achieve one of the goals that was intended
> of this list..... IMHO.
Agreed - Slack is great for real-time communication, which doesn't feel
like the right format for introductions. It feels like the best answer
might be something like a profile page on the website where completed
profiles could be selected and queued for some sort of regular “We are
Python” blog.
Since I just made everyone's new mail notification to go off anyway, hi
everyone. I live in Washington DC and work for the Library of Congress,
which uses an increasingly large amount of Python both for special projects
like wdl.org and viewshare.org, but also a growing number of core
applications like https://loc.gov/search/ and https://congress.gov,
http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/, etc. and as part of the content
processing pipeline for many projects. There's a lot of non-Python
open-source activity as well – as you might imagine, Solr gets quite the
workout – and that's leading to more participation in the community, too:
Finally, I'm a maintainer for django-haystack and pysolr – if anyone is
interested in contributing more to either of those projects, please get in
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