[PSF-Volunteers] OSCON booth?

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Thu May 26 01:12:53 CEST 2005

Aahz wrote:
> Should we try having a PSF booth at OSCON?  If I get at least three or
> four people from this list interested, we can try getting more volunteers
> from the rest of the community -- I think we need at least ten or twelve
> committed people to make this work.  (The real minimum is probably around
> eight people, but I've learned about the need for extra volunteers the
> hard way...)
> I asked O'Reilly about getting a booth; here's what they said:
>     Yes, we can offer you a 10x10 booth at not cost. Please fill out the
>     attached vendor contract, write in $0 in the amount due and fax back
>     to me. Please note this is an empty booth, you'll need to arrange for
>     carpet, booth properties (chairs/tables), electrical and internet
>     rental if you need them. Also, please email me your print and web
>     logos, and 50 word description and URL

A potentially sound wheeze, but we'd probably need a budget for decking 
out the 10 x 10. Anyone?

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC             http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming  http://pydish.holdenweb.com/

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