[PSF-Volunteers] Better fund raising for the PSF

Ramiro B. da Luz ramiroluz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 06:14:51 CEST 2005

Hi all.

2005/10/5, Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto <csotelop at yahoo.es>:
> Hi Stephan
> Probably i can help you, i gona read more about it

I will read more too.

> > * Writing up a newsletter monthly and distributing it
> > * Writing the code and setting up infrastructure needed
> >   for billing recurring donors (they give credit card that
> >   gets billed monthly; most of this is supported by the
> >   credit card processor, but some work is needed as well)
> could be

Maybe I can get some help in this services, I know some network
administrator that probably will like to help you. I am not a expert
but I can make some code, I can help someone that will lead this

> > * Identifying potential corporate donors and pursuing them
> >   (probably after the PSF comes up with a better channel
> >   for corporate donors that doesn't automatically make them
> >   all into voting members; this is where I was talking about
> >   recommending changes to the board)
> >
> > Hope that helps... I recognize that we're a community that doesn't
> > really have much experience with these kinds of things (I certainly
> > don't) but hope there is interest in learning with the motivation that
> > a well-funded PSF could do quite a bit for the Python community.
> You are right, we don't have so much experience in this things, i want
> help, but i dont know how. Maybe i coulbe not exactly a help for you.

This help very much, know I know where I can help. Thank you, and thank
you Carlos for the question.

> > On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi Stephan
> >>
> >>I can undertand your proposal, but I don't understand what kinf of help are
> >>you writing. What must be do expecificly if some of us decided help you.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Stephan Deibel wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi,
> >>>
> >>>I've received absolutely no response from the message below.  If
> >>>there is interest, please let me know before I recommend disbanding the PSC
> >>>at the next board meeting.
> >>>
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>
> >>>- Stephan
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Stephan Deibel wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>>I would like to try to build a better fund raising capability for the PSF.
> >>>>While the PSF has done OK obtaining new sponsors by osmosis, and has done
> >>>>reasonably well through PyCon sponsorships, I think a manageable amount of
> >>>>additional effort could really increase our visibility as a worthy
> >>>>charitable organization.
> >>>>
> >>>>For example, we could send a semi-monthly news letter + appeal for
> >>>>donations to CLP, we could seek out potential corporate donors more
> >>>>agressively, we could make recommendations to the board on how to
> >>>>restructure available sponsor/donor opportunities to make those more
> >>>>attractive, we could start a recurring donor program and/or send
> >>>>solicitations to past donors say 2X/year, and so forth.
> >>>>
> >>>>In the past year, we've started our grants program (with some success, tho
> >>>>projects are still going on), we've funded a website redesign (which I
> >>>>hope will soon get over the deployment hump), and of course we continue to
> >>>>be the money bag behind PyCon which may in future years require
> >>>>increasingly larger $ commitments from the PSF.  So there are certainly
> >>>>compelling reasons to donate to the PSF.
> >>>>
> >>>>Are there people on this list that are interested *and able* to help with
> >>>>any of this?
> >>>>
> >>>>I should note that the PSF has the Python Support Committee (PSC) that is
> >>>>chartered to work on this kind of thing, but it has done nothing recently
> >>>>and there appears to be no interest or time available among its current
> >>>>members to work on this.  My intention as chairman of that committee is to
> >>>>reform it with a fresh pool of volunteers, if some can be found here.
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks!
> >>>>
> >>>>Stephan Deibel
> >>>>Chairman of the Board
> >>>>Python Software Foundation
> >>>>
> >>>>http://python.org/psf
> >>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>PSF-Volunteers mailing list
> >>>>PSF-Volunteers at python.org
> >>>>http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-volunteers
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>PSF-Volunteers mailing list
> >>>PSF-Volunteers at python.org
> >>>http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-volunteers
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Atentamente:
> >>
> >>*------------------------------------*  ,= ,-_-. =.
> >>|Carlos E. Sotelo Pinto(KrLoS)       | ((_/)o o(\_))
> >>|GNU/Linux User Registered # 379182  |  `-'(. .)`-'
> >>|Tildes omitidas voluntariamente     |      \_/
> >>*------------------------------------*
> >>Bitacora de Vuelo <http://csotelop.blogsome.com/>
> >>Sociedad Peruana de Computacion <http://www.spc.org.pe/>
> >>Grupo de Usuarios GNU/Linux Arequipa <http://www.aqpglug.org.pe/>
> >>Grupo de Usuarios Debian Arequipa <http://www.debianarequipa.org>
> >>Grupo de Usuarios Debian Peru <http://www.debianperu.org/>
> >>------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>La actitud del hacker:
> >>Los hackers resuelven problemas y construyen cosas, y creen en la libertad y
> >>la ayuda voluntaria mutua. Para ser aceptado como hacker, deberás comportarte
> >>como si tuvieras esta actitud en tu interior. Y para comportarte como si
> >>tuvieras esta actitud, deberás creerte de verdad dicha actitud.
> >>
> >>
> >>              ______________________________________________ Renovamos el
> >>Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es
> --
> Atentamente:
> *------------------------------------*  ,= ,-_-. =.
> |Carlos E. Sotelo Pinto(KrLoS)       | ((_/)o o(\_))
> |GNU/Linux User Registered # 379182  |  `-'(. .)`-'
> |Tildes omitidas voluntariamente     |      \_/
> *------------------------------------*
> Bitacora de Vuelo <http://csotelop.blogsome.com/>
> Sociedad Peruana de Computacion <http://www.spc.org.pe/>
> Grupo de Usuarios GNU/Linux Arequipa <http://www.aqpglug.org.pe/>
> Grupo de Usuarios Debian Arequipa <http://www.debianarequipa.org>
> Grupo de Usuarios Debian Peru <http://www.debianperu.org/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La actitud del hacker:
> Los hackers resuelven problemas y construyen cosas, y creen en la
> libertad y la ayuda voluntaria mutua. Para ser aceptado como hacker,
> deberás comportarte como si tuvieras esta actitud en tu interior. Y para
> comportarte como si tuvieras esta actitud, deberás creerte de verdad
> dicha actitud.
> ______________________________________________
> Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!
> Nuevos servicios, más seguridad
> http://correo.yahoo.es
> _______________________________________________
> PSF-Volunteers mailing list
> PSF-Volunteers at python.org
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-- Ramiro Batista da Luz || ramiroluz at gmail.com
-- Debian-PR || http://www.debian-pr.org
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