[PSF-Volunteers] Wanted: PSF weblog editor

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Oct 11 22:16:03 CEST 2005

[Cc'ed to psf-volunteers, psf-members]

I would like to see a weblog for PSF announcements, news, etc., to
make PSF activities more visible to the Python community.

To run the weblog, we'd need to have an editor who takes submissions
from PSF committees and members, decides whether the submission is
relevant, and optionally make edits to the text.  I think there would
probably be a posting every one or two weeks; certainly there wouldn't
be postings every day.

The editor would have to follow a weblog policy stated by the PSF
Board.  A draft of the policy is at <http://www.python.org/psf/weblog-policy>.  

The Board hasn't approved this draft as the official policy.  I wanted
to get comments on the policy from potential editors and make any
changes before putting it before the Board.


	* Any volunteers to be PSF Weblog Editor?  
	* Any comments on the weblog policy?


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