[PSF-Volunteers] Wanted: PSF weblog editor

Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto csotelop at yahoo.es
Wed Oct 12 07:17:44 CEST 2005

A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> [Cc'ed to psf-volunteers, psf-members]
> I would like to see a weblog for PSF announcements, news, etc., to
> make PSF activities more visible to the Python community.
> To run the weblog, we'd need to have an editor who takes submissions
> from PSF committees and members, decides whether the submission is
> relevant, and optionally make edits to the text.  I think there would
> probably be a posting every one or two weeks; certainly there wouldn't
> be postings every day.
> The editor would have to follow a weblog policy stated by the PSF
> Board.  A draft of the policy is at <http://www.python.org/psf/weblog-policy>.  
> The Board hasn't approved this draft as the official policy.  I wanted
> to get comments on the policy from potential editors and make any
> changes before putting it before the Board.
> So... 
> 	* Any volunteers to be PSF Weblog Editor? 

I can take this task.

> 	* Any comments on the weblog policy?

No coments, it is clear....

> --amk
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*------------------------------------*  ,= ,-_-. =.
|Carlos E. Sotelo Pinto(KrLoS)       | ((_/)o o(\_))
|GNU/Linux User Registered # 379182  |  `-'(. .)`-'
|Tildes omitidas voluntariamente     |      \_/
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