[PSF-Volunteers] Call for Nominations of PSF Directors

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Sun Dec 17 18:07:43 CET 2006

The Board of Directors of the Python Software Foundation is issuing
this call for nominations of new Directors.  Self-nominations are the
norm, so don't wait for somebody else to nominate you.  If you are
interested in serving as a Director, please write to psf at python.org.
Directors need not be PSF members.

Since the PSF is a small organization, the Directors and Officers are
the PSF's executive in more than name: we not only discuss the work to
be done, we also initiate and oversee the work (through committees),
and we get a lot of the work done ourselves.  It is therefore
beneficial to have a large number of active Directors.  As Tim Peters
eloquently put it,

    This is pragmatic: volunteer time is hard to come by for PSF busy
    work, and, overall, directors seem to feel more compelling
    obligation in this regard than non-director PSF members.  So, the
    bigger the board, the more gets done.

At the annual Members' Meeting in 2004 nine people stood for election
to the Board, but there were only seven positions, so two candidates
were not elected.  This was a mistake; we cannot afford to turn away
volunteers.  In 2005, when eight people stood for election, the Board
was first increased to eight positions, allowing all the candidates to
serve.  The size of the Board can change again.  (Section 5.4 of the
PSF bylaws states: "the number of directors shall be fixed by the
members at each annual meeting of members.")

The PSF's Directors and Officers conduct business via monthly meetings
(one hour on IRC) and an active mailing list.  We discuss the work
being done and the work to be done, and Directors vote on resolutions.

David Goodger, PSF Secretary
On behalf of the PSF Board of Directors

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