[PSF-Volunteers] new community mailing list

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Mon Sep 28 14:23:17 CEST 2015

Hi, folks,

This list was originally formed back before anyone could join the PSF, and before we had a public community mailing list. It may still be useful as a gathering place for volunteers, but I thought you might all also want to participate more directly in the PSF through some new channels.

First, you can sign up to be a member, or optionally voting member, of the PSF. There are more details in this blog post:


Then, you can sign up for the new psd-community mailing list. The archives for the list are public, and based on recent traffic we have members from all over the world introducing themselves and starting to discuss how they are building up their local Python community:


We will keep this list open, since we might find specific opportunities to use it for organizing volunteers, but I think the new community list is going to be much more active with offers and requests.


More information about the PSF-Volunteers mailing list