[Pycon-openspaces] Kicking Off the Open Spaces Planning!!!

Anna Ossowski annabell.ossowski at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 08:20:13 EST 2017

Hi Trey,

Thank you for your ideas!

I believe the actual Open Space rooms will only be available during the 3 days of talks. We could however think about encouraging informal Open Spaces (which I think happens anyway) during the tutorials and sprints.

We have tried curating a list of topics before and it was semi-successful in my opinion. I like the idea of giving people some ideas, on the other hand I don’t want people to think that we are “dictating” certain topics or maybe disturb their creativity (“maybe my idea isn’t good enough”) by providing suggestions.

I think the quiet room should stay a quiet space. I wouldn’t want to disturb people who are taking a break from the conference, by offering an Open Space in this room, even if it would be yoga or meditation. I like the idea of a sticker exchange. OSCON does speed networking, which is what you described with the musical chairs idea. I do however worry a bit that if we add too much structure, this will take away from the Open Spaces as they are supposed to be open and kind of informal as the name suggests.

++ for the cheat sheet idea!

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> On Nov 7, 2017, at 4:30 AM, Trey Hunner <trey at truthful.technology> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Thanks for kicking off the planning Anna and thanks for continuing the conversation Zak and starting the issue tracking and announcements Hobson.
> Maybe we should start another thread for this, but I was brainstorming some open spaces ideas recently and wanted to dump them here.
> I met someone deeply involved in the agile world through a mutual friend recently and we talked quite a bit about communication at tech conferences.
> We discussed some strategies agile conferences use to get people meeting each other (determining topics to discuss in a group by using a Trello-style to-discuss, discussing, discussed system) and we talked about our views of open spaces. He noted that talks often draw people away from open spaces if they're hosted at the same time and we debated the merits of having dedicated open space days/times vs shared talk and open space times.
> Some things that I've been thinking about:
> Sharing a fairly curated ideas list for open spaces that have been popular/successful in the past and open spaces we'd like to see folks put up in the future
> Brainstorming and sharing alternative open space formats with potential open space planners (e.g. quiet room, yoga, sticker exchange, or an open space where people hold 2 minute conversations with a person and then rotate musical chair style)
> Making a "how to run a successful open space" cheat sheet with things like recommendations for giving a voice to attendees, taking shared notes, and exchanging contact information with each other and considering continuing the discussion online in a structured way
> Many of the things I've been thinking about involve more active recommendations/nudging from us to encourage a particular feel/vibe from the open spaces. Thoughts on this?
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com <mailto:annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope you’re all well!
> I thought it would be a good idea to officially kick off the planning of the PyCon US 2018 Open Spaces before the holidays hit everyone. May may still seem a long time away but it’s never too early to start planning :)
> In the past I have used a Trello board (please let me know if you don’t have access) to keep track of ideas and tasks but I am open to using something different. I do think that using some sort of project management tool, whether that’s something like Trello or GitHub, makes sense and makes things a little easier.
> Maybe we can start by discussing what went well last year, what didn’t go as planned, and any ideas we would like to implement for 2018.
> Looking forward to working with all of you again!
> Anna
> ——
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
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> -- 
> Trey Hunner
> Truthful Technology, LLC
> http://truthful.technology <http://truthful.technology/>
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