[PyConAPAC] Forming PSF APAC Working Group and APAC A/C

VanL van.lindberg at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 04:55:39 CEST 2015

Hi all!

Its good to see the work going on here.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 4:03 AM, Liew Beng Keat <liew_beng_keat at rp.edu.sg>

 You suggested that we form a working group under the PSF. Can you advise
> how specifically is this group formed, how would we engage with the PSF
> under this group, etc. As much detail as you can provide us would help.
> And/or if there is someone that we shld liaise with on this, do let us
> know.

I'll send a template. Its pretty straightforward.

>  The same applies to the setting up of a working $$ account for APAC. Can
> you advise what would be the exact ‘operating’ model of such as account.
> On behalf of the PyCon APAC group, we wld like to have primary “oversight”
> on the use of the funds but not sure how can this be done though it’s clear
> the PSF can help us receive as well as disburse these funds.

This is workable, and we could probably arrange for the interim to have
this be the fundraising method for APAC too as we continue to get all the
international details worked out. I'll send a quick writeup on the fiscal
sponsorship program.


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