[Pydotorg-redesign] Roundup field list

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Fri Apr 18 22:02:24 EDT 2003

I'm starting this on pydotorg-redesign, then I'll move the discussion
back to pydotorg when things settle down a bit.  

I'm proposing a list of fields (plus what would be handled as a linked
table in a DBMS) for the python.org Roundup-based issue tracker.  I'm
not familiar with what's "standard" with Roundup.  Please feel free to
comment (especially Richard):

Issue Number

    Default sort should be Urgency.  (After many years in tech support,
    I really want this to be two separate fields.)

    New/Open/Review/Closed -- others?

    This field should have defaults (webmaster, event, job, design, bug,
    task, etc.), but should also allow free-form entry (but any
    non-default values should require confirmation from the Roundup
    user).  All Roundup users can add/edit the defaults.

    Do we need a separate field for e-mail address, or is an RFC-822
    field good enough for both?  Should there be a separate Creator field
    for Roundup users (defaults to "Roundup" when created by e-mail)?

    The Roundup user handling the issue, can be blank.

    We don't need this now, but I'd expect we'll need it once we start
    really moving forward with a site redesign.

Datetime Created
Datetime Last Modified

Event Log (optional)
    Dunno how hard this is to do with Roundup (or if it's already there),
    but I'd prefer there to be a log of all changes to issues.  That way
    we can see if an issue has been re-opened or never closed, we can see
    who the various owners have been, we can see what urgencies it's had,
    and so on.  This will become an absolute requirement for moving
    Python off SF, so we might as well start moving on this now.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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