[Pydotorg-redesign] Rearranging the python.org sidebar (again!)

Matt Goodall matt at pollenation.net
Tue Aug 12 17:21:01 EDT 2003

>Agreed about mirrors; disagree about site map.  Many people go almost
>immediately to site map (or search) if they don't see something
>obviously related to what they're looking for, because looking at the
>whole site structure helps to figure what's located where.
Interesting, do people go straight to the site map or do they trawl 
around the site first and then use it a last resort? Perhaps the use of 
the site map is a symptom of other problems? I only say this because I 
can't think of a time that I've ever used one myself.

- Matt

Matt Goodall, Pollenation Internet Ltd
w: http://www.pollenationinternet.com
e: matt at pollenation.net

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