[Pydotorg-redesign] Re: [marketing-python] PWC: informal announcement

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Sun Aug 24 15:07:51 EDT 2003

On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 08:56  AM, Michael McLay wrote:

>> The "donating to the PSF" page is formatted differently from the 
>> others
>> (the center text has longer lines).  I assume this is unintentional?
> I'm not seeing a difference in line lengths. I haven't finished the 
> Donations
> page. I cribbed something I had written for other purposes to get 
> something
> to fill up the space. It needs some refinement.

I made a couple of screen shots to show what I'm talking about.  Maybe 
it's browser-specific?  I'm using Safari on Mac-OSX.


PS -- anybody know how to make OSX do a screenshot as a gif or jpeg?

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