[Pydotorg-redesign] Graphic redesign

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jul 18 11:01:18 EDT 2003

    Steve> I agree that we need to perform some restructuring that will make
    Steve> the existing directory structure questionable at best. It would
    Steve> be nice if we could avoid breaking links in the process, but
    Steve> that's quite a problem: each existing page would need to be
    Steve> replaced by a redirect, whether implemented as a server redirect
    Steve> or some other way.

mod_rewrite to the rescue!  It's not hard to do simple redirects.  It's just
figuring out what to redirect to.  You can also do it on an on-demand basis,
by only establishing redirects for pages which frequently turn up in the
error log as 404s and let rarely visited pages die.


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