[Pydotorg-redesign] Graphic redesign

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Fri Jul 18 14:03:33 EDT 2003

Walter Dörwald writes:
 > What about Python source? For my mockup I've used something like:

Oddly enough, I really don't like storing data as executable Python
code.  That may be just me, but something that opens it up a bit seems
like a good idea.

 > The problem is that this might scale badly if we have many pages.

Were you thinking of a single structure for the entire site, or local
structures, such as per directory?  I think storing the data close to
the relevant portions of the site is a good thing.

 > What I wanted to try out was whether it's possible to *replace*

Yes.  The .ht files would need to be converted to whatever is needed
or used by the new software.

There are also huge chunks of content that are simply dropped into
place, outside of CVS.  (Gasp!)  The online versions of the
documentation are the culprit here (hopefully the only case).  The
pages that are specific to the website (download.html, index.html) are
generated from .ht files in CVS like anything else, but the content
that matches the distributed files are just unpacked from the released

 > I could download a few of the pages to try it out, but the real test
 > would be converting the complete site.

I'll send you a tarball in a separate email, and spare the list.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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