[Pydotorg-redesign] idea I had (expressed in the wrong forum)

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Sat Sep 13 10:35:03 EDT 2003

My next idea that should have been here but wasn't, because I didn't
want to bring it up if it was diuscussed in the mail we weren't getting
is making a staging area.  This is a complete copy of python.org with
one difference -- anybody can write to it.  It also doesn't have to
be mirrored.  Then when people such as journalists write articles
they would like to have on python.org, they can just add the links
to the staging area.  Later amk or somebody can check and make sure
they aren't links to penis enlargers, and just swap the staged page
for the python.org one.  

Knowing that something has changed in the staging area is a job for a bot,
as is checking stale links.  (Which also could get fixed by the people
who find them in the staging area, assuming they know where the links
ought to point to).  Oleg Broytmann has writen such a bot for the stale
(and changed I think) links see: http://phd.pp.ru/Software/Python/
I have never used it.

The idea is to build a vibrant and dynamic community around the website,
without burdening the site maintainers too much.


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