[Pydotorg-redesign] Netscape 4 support

Tim Parkin tim.parkin at pollenationinternet.com
Sun Sep 14 10:00:15 EDT 2003

Laura said:
>>See http://www.python.org/wwwstats/usage_200308.html#TOPAGENTS .  From
>>the full list of agents, various NS4 variants turn out to account for
>>only 0.6% of accesses to python.org.
>When you are counting 'US Commercial' are you just looking at .com
>endings? We're strakt.com but we're not in the USA...
Unless you use geoip, or equivalent, the country of origin information
is worse than useless.. And the stats package used doesn't use geoip, or

Did this have a relevance to Netscape 4 or was it just a general


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