[Pydotorg-redesign] how to search the site

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Wed Sep 17 02:44:57 EDT 2003

I posted too soon.  Tim has been thinking like me.

>I think any search box should also have 'search the www' aswell
>(according to t's & c's again) but assuming we don't then I've mocked up
>a logo'd version of the home page and if this is possible then I'd be
>happy to use it until we set up a Lupy (or equivalent) search customised
>to offer a dedicated site search.

I'd still prefer the 'Google' IN the Search Button, and I would prefer
the site doc starship newsgroups mailing lists www checkboxes below.
This would give me a nice wide search window, another plus.  But
I also want a way to click 'get a more advanced search page'

'External resources' is a bad wording to put on a search box that
is to be read, let alone used, by newbies.  They have no idea what
is and what is not external.  And so they feel stupid, as if they
were supposed to know this already.  This feels worse than not
'knowing what the starship is' -- because it is open ended.

For other searches with that problem I have made a line
'Don't know what any of these are?  Just search for them (happy face)'
(Then make sure that a definition/Welcome page was the first hit).
This has the advantage of getting people to use the site...

I am not opposed to spending space on search boxes, if it is useful
space that does stuff and makes searching easier.  I like sites that
look as if the people cared more about the searchers than about their
prose.  Some sites it's 'yap yap yap, will these people never shut
up and tell me how to find what I want? Admittedly, it is ads that
gets this effect out of me the most, but it is always there'

I think that this has a profound effect on how freindly a site is
found -- respect goes a long way.


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