[Pydotorg-redesign] Redesigned version of current home page

Dylan Reinhardt python at dylanreinhardt.com
Sat Sep 20 20:38:31 EDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 14:32, A.M.Kuchling wrote:
> On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 12:53 PM, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> > After some c.l.python discussion, here's a revised version of some 
> > tweaks to the current home page.
> Laura Creighton points out that the URL might help: 
> http://www.amk.ca/python.org.html
> D'ohh!

What you've suggested is actually less usable than what we already have.

Putting small, plain, mid-contrast text above large, bold, high-contrast
styled text virtually assures that the smaller text will completely
disappear. Laying the old menu out in garish columns was about the only
thing that made it register on the eye _at all_.  

Bottom line, if the menu is less noticeable, the site is less navigable.

But why are we tweaking this design?  Our web site needs far more than
any amount of incremental revision is likely to give it. Really, it's
long past time we took this old dog out behind the barn and shot it.

Rather than tinkering with what we have, we should devote our efforts to
refining and implementing one of the many *good* designs that have
already been contributed.   



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