[Pydotorg-redesign] Next iteration (was "I think that the current
site ....")
amk at amk.ca
amk at amk.ca
Mon Sep 22 09:31:53 EDT 2003
On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 09:41:21AM +0100, Tim Parkin wrote:
> I'm sure you didn't mean nothing as on my public folder alone there's
> 9.1Mb of proposed designs/information architecture notes and logos. Also
Oh, the types-sig produced proposals and strawman implementations, too, but
that doesn't change the fact that, in this month of September 2003, there is
no standard type checking tool for Python. From the viewpoint of a
python.org user, the redesign process won't have produced anything
until the redesign is actually live.
> Well.. There is one thing that is stopping me in particular which is a
> lack of official feedback on the design proposal. I don't mind spending
<sigh> Yes, the indecision problem is at the root of it all. I hope the PWC
group can come up with some way to make such decisions.
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