[pydotorg-www] Docs development entrypoint (Was: [docs] Mailing list dead pile and private lists)

Michael Foord mfoord at python.org
Sun Apr 25 16:54:14 CEST 2010

On 25/04/2010 15:49, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>      >>  That is the intent of sigs.  They are there for awhile to serve their
>      >>  function, then they go away.  Practically speaking, they go dormant.
>      >>  Their archives remain.  We haven't always adhered to that convention
>      >>  (e.g., pythonmac-sig isn't going away anytime soon), but that is/was
>      >>  its intent.
>      Michael>  pythonmac-sig is active - at least sporadically (several
>      Michael>  threads in the last week).
> Sorry if I was unclear.  Despite its "-sig" suffix it was never intended to
> be a short-lived mailing list.

Ah, re-reading what you wrote that is clearer. I don't think "short 
lived" is part of the intent of even the majority of sigs though - 
catalog-sig is active and long lived, so is edu-sig, so is 
distutils-sig, so is email-sig, so is web-sig (and so on).

So anatoly's original hypothesis that most of the sigs are defunct is 
very wrong.

All the best,


> Skip


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