[pydotorg-www] Two problematic pages

Michael Foord mfoord at python.org
Tue Apr 27 12:33:04 CEST 2010

On 27/04/2010 03:00, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> There are two pages that I'd like to get rid of, but am dithering about:
> * http://www.python.org/doc/newstyle/ claims:
>        Unfortunately, new-style classes have not yet been integrated into
>        Python's standard documention. Fear not, however; many people have
>        worked to provide useful information on creating and using new-style
>        classes.
>    Is this still true?  Are the resources linked from that page still useful?

The statement about not being documented is not true - almost all the 
documentation is now oriented towards new-style classes and where they 
aren't it's a bug. Those resources however are still useful. Create a 
wiki page and redirect to that?

> * A lot of the ports on http://www.python.org/download/other/ are very
>    old.  (2.1, 2.4, even 1.5.2, etc.).  I think most people will just
>    search for "Python<OS name>" and not come to python.org to poke
>    around.  Can we just drop the page completely?

As someone else pointed out, although old a lot of that information 
about old ports is still 'current'. Again, converting to a wiki page 
seems like a good idea...

All the best,

Michael Foord
> Now that I look at it, http://www.python.org/download/linux/ doesn't
> really have a lot of content; maybe it can be deleted, too.
> --amk
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