[pydotorg-www] GitHub tracker and PyCon sprints

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 13:28:40 CEST 2015


Google Code is closing, so I moved the tracker I used
to collect the issues I had for pydotorg services over
to GitHub.


In the past I tried to use Python wiki to collect the
notes, tried to patch Roundup to assemble a tool that
I could use myself, to improve the collaboration
process. It took a lot of time with little progress, and
there are still big boulders on the road that me myself
is unable to budge (Jinja2 vs Roundup ASCII encoding

So, in the meanwhile, GitHub may serve a better job
for coordination over improvement of Python
community services. But it can only happen if that
place won't be a domain of a single person.

Therefore I'd like to increase the bus factor on the
project by adding people who may find it useful for
their own experiments/ideas, and know your opinion
about that.

Taking in account the upcoming PyCon sprints, we
may setup a project for sprint coordination and code
sharing in no time, allowing more people from outside
to sync and take part in the process.
anatoly t.
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