[pydotorg-www] Request for wiki edit permissions for SebastianSilva

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Fri Feb 16 23:55:12 EST 2018


I'm new in web-sig, nice to meet you.

I've written "Jappy Activity" <http://educa.juegos/> a code-runner
intended for initial Python syntax learning, that comes bundled with
Sugarizer (web) learning environment.

I've used RapydScript-NG Python to Javascript compiler to implement it
and also a mobile app for surveying Trees.

I think there's great potential in leveraging Javascript (and its
ecosystem) from Python.

I've also experimented with Transcrypt.

I wrote RapydScriptify which is a loader for Browserify that compiles
Python files with Rapydscript and recently contributed Javascripthon
support to python-webpack-loader.

Also submitted a couple of patches to Javascripthon which is my
transpiler of choice now.

My most recent project attempts to leverage Python syntax with modern
Javascript framework: Nuxt-Python <https://nuxt-python.surge.sh/>.

Anyhow my goal is to add some info about all of these projects and
others I research into the Python wiki (...in time).

My id: /SebastianSilva/

Thanks in advance!

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