[pydotorg-www] Request to edit PythonGraphLibraries wiki page

Teddy Chan teddyschantsc at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 08:53:09 EDT 2022


My name is Teddy Chan and I’d like to edit the PythonGraphLibraries wiki page <https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonGraphLibraries>.

How I would like to edit:
I’d like to add an ‘Other Libraries’ section and add EasyGraph <https://easy-graph.github.io/>, a python graph library developed by my team, to that section.

My wiki name: TeddyChan

What’s EasyGraph?

EasyGraph is an open source graph processing library. It is written in Python and supports analysis for undirected graphs and directed graphs. It covers advanced graph processing methods in structural hole spanners detection, graph embedding and several classic methods (subgraph generation, connected component discovery and isomorphic graph generation).

EasyGraph integrates state-of-the-art graph processing approaches and implements them using Python. EasyGraph covers a series of advanced graph processing algorithms include structural hole spanners detection (HIS, MaxD, Common_Greedy, AP_Greedy and HAM), and graph representation learning (DeepWalk, Node2Vec, LINE and SDNE). Besides, for a number of general graph processing approaches, EasyGraph optimizes the algorithms and introduces parallel computing methods to achieve high efficiency.

Why another graph library?
  EasyGraph is different because it:
- Supports rich graph I/O data and multigraph;
- Holds unique graph processing algorithms, such as structural hole spanners detection;
- Leverages multiprocessing techniques and hybrid implementation.

Thank you for your time,

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