[pydotorg-www] Request to edit IDE page

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Nov 6 18:43:43 EST 2023

On 11/6/23 16:05, Harry Parker wrote:
> Hello Esteemed Editors,
> I just signed up on the Python Wiki with the aim to update the IDE page,
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments 
> <https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments> .
> In particular I see it reads that PyCharm hasn't been updated since 2018 
> which I know isn't true. It was updated this year.
> Thonny was also updated in 2023. So was LiClipse, NetBeans, 
> VSCode-Python, PyDev, .
> Open Komodo was updated in 2022 and KDevelop in 2020.
> Other IDE's are probably more current than stated as well, but I stopped 
> looking after the above.
> Seeing old dates is discouraging to people like me searching for 
> currently supported projects.
> I am an experienced Wiki editor.
> Happy to go through the IDE list and update the table for you.

We certainly appreciate people stepping up to keep things up to date. 
Wikis seem particularly prone to bitrot anyway, and depend on motivated 
editors; it's probably a bad idea to include a date, since an update to 
an entry a few years ago doesn't mean the item itself has gone stale - 
and often also entry itself hasn't gone stale. Perhaps we should change 
the column heading to "Entry Updated" or some such to make it slightly 
less murky.  Certainly there's not anything about the PyCharm entry 
that's invalid despite it being marked 2018.

We need a wiki name to add you as an editor - was that supposed to be 
HarryParker ?

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