[pydotorg-www] Request to edit IDE page

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Tue Nov 7 11:02:55 EST 2023


Glancing back over it again (I did several updates a few years ago, 
others have since), it's even more stale than it was, so much has 
happened in the world of editors.  It came up before - and there was no 
real action - that the list of reviews at the top isn't very useful any 
longer.  For example one nearly 20 year old article compares BlackAdder 
(long gone) and Komodo (recently retired by ActiveState, though they've 
handed it over as an open source project - pretty much it's abandonware)

You've probably seen all this already...

I'm wondering if there's really any point to having review links on the 
wiki page. People can do their own web searches anyway...  anyone else 
have an opinion on that?

The other topic is we usually ask that pages with many entries follow 
some stated sorting mechanism, to avoid arguments about "hey, you put 
your entry at the top as it if was somehow better than others". 
Usually, that's alphabetical. I see the three IDE tables don't follow 
that. If you're going to do surgery on the page, think about whether 
that's something that makes sense.

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