[Pygui] Printing coordinate system problem

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Dec 14 23:55:31 CET 2009

Vernon Cole wrote:
> In searching for documentation, remember a quirk in Microsoft 
> vocabulary... a "printer" is software, not hardware.  The device on the 
> corner of your desk with the paper in it is not a "printer", it is a 
> "printing device."

Yes, I know. I'll be happy if I can somehow find out what
the driver for whichever printer has been selected in the
PrintDlg box thinks the printable area is for the selected
paper size. If that doesn't match what the actual printer
uses, that's not my problem. :-)

Delving a bit further, it looks like I may be able to find
out via GetPrinter() and GetForm()... I'll try an experiment

> Using Crystal Reports, a rather expensive commercial product which uses 
> Windows very well, I designed a very fancy Purchase Order form, which I 
> tested on three or four different Windows printers.  When I installed 
> the application, the purchase orders would not print out correctly on 
> another printer

Configuring printer drivers on Windows can be a massively
confusing and frustrating experience, especially when a
network is involved. Chance are there was a setting
somewhere in the maze of dialog boxes that would have
made it work properly... or maybe not...


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