[Pygui] Pixmap confusion

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Dec 15 23:37:12 CET 2010

Colin Brown wrote:
> I cannot understand how the same objects  that 
> are absolutely referenced to my
> main Window and also written to the Pixmap, appear row inverted when  
> retrieved from the Pixmap

It's because Cocoa's default coordinate system for graphics
ports has the origin in the lower left with X upwards, like
Postscript. I need to invert the coordinate system to make
it match the window coordinates.

 > The graphics
> positioning is upside down but the text
> drawing in the Pixmap is rightside up.

NSGraphicsContext has an isFlipped property that Cocoa uses
to flip the text. I need to get that set to True, although
that turns out not to be so straightforward for a graphics
context attached to a bitmap.

I'm making progress, though -- I've got both the text *and*
the graphics upside down now. :-)


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